Showing 30 materials
Analysis of public microarray data using Genevestigator
RNA-Seq analysis for differential expression in GenePattern
Probabilistic programming with (R)Stan
Analyzing biological networks with Ingenuity Pathway Analysis
Data manipulation in OpenRefine
Introductory session on programming with Bioperl
Introduction to network biology
Text mining and curation
Custom training: Ingenuity Pathway Analysis
Custom training: OpenRefine
Introduction to Biopython
Comparative genomics in eukaryotes
Analysis of metabolome data
Initiation GIMP and Inkscape
Basic statistics in R, part II
Analysis of public microarray data sets
Advanced FlowJo training
Gentle hands-on introduction to Perl programming
Mass spectrometry data processing
GATK Best practices for variant discovery
Basic bioinformatics concepts, databases and tools
Analysis of qPCR data using qbase+
UCSC Genome Browser
Basics of databases and MySQL
Cloning with SnapGene
Introduction to gene regulation
Downstream processing of RNA-Seq data in GenePattern
Image Ethics and Poster Design
Analyzing flow cytometry data using FlowJo
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