Introductory session on programming with Bioperl
On the first day, we will refresh Perl syntax and types of variables. This basic knowledge will serve as a starting point to explain the use of subroutines, and how to make a module of your subroutine.
On the second day we will prepare for Bioperl by explaining how you can reuse Perl code. Object-oriented programming will only be explained to the extent necessary for using Bioperl. We will write our first simple program in Bioperl and explore places where you can find information on the Bioperl modules.
On the third day we will practice Bioperl further in real-life examples like sequence processing and applications that are defined by the participants.
By the end of the session, you will understand Bioperl, and have already some first programming skills in Bioperl, which will allow you to practice further at an accelerated speed in order to becoming proficient in Bioperl.
Target audience: Life Science Researchers, PhD students, post-docs, beginner bioinformaticians
Remote created date: 2016-04-22
Remote updated date: 2016-06-15
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