Custom training: Ingenuity Pathway Analysis
The aim of this training is to teach you how to use Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA) software on your own data. This can be for various applications:
Creating and modifying biological networks e.g. which genes are involved in a certain disease
Mapping data to biological processes, networks and pathways
mapping a list of genes/proteins/chemicals
mapping quantitative data e.g. microarray/proteomics/metabolomics data
High quality visualisation of biological networks and pathways
Assessing the biological significance of pathways in certain physiological conditions e.g. detecting overrepresented pathways in diseases
Target audience: Life Science Researchers, post-docs, PhD students
Remote created date: 2016-04-22
Remote updated date: 2016-09-26
Scientific topics: Metabolomics, Protein interactions, Proteomics, Microarray experiment
Activity log