Introduction to Biopython
Biopython is the best-known Python library to process biological data. This training is aimed to empower you to use Biopython to make your research more efficient.
The first day of the training is to give an overview of Biopython. You are going to start with your first steps in Biopython on the command line. Afterwards you will take a tour of the most important components: sequences, NCBI queries, BLAST, trees, and 3D structures. You will try each of these modules on practical examples. Please don't hesitate to ask questions about Python basics or particular data formats (e.g. XML or NGS data).
The second day of the training is to broaden your perspective: What other features does the library have? How can you use the documentation effectively? What is Biopython not capable of? What can I do to visualize my data? Are there alternatives? If you have your own data that you would like to work on with Biopython in more detail, there is room for that.
For us, the most important thing is to identify concrete Python modules and functions that help you to get your research done.
Participants are encouraged to submit a description of their research topic and/or the questions they would like to answer with Biopython. Additionally, participants can bring their own data that they would like to process in Python to the training.
Target audience: Life Science Researchers, PhD students, beginner bioinformaticians, post-docs
Remote created date: 2016-04-22
Remote updated date: 2017-10-09
Scientific topics: Software engineering
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