Recorded webinar

Getting started with the Open Targets Platform GraphQL API

The Open Targets Platform is a comprehensive research tool that supports systematic identification and prioritisation of potential therapeutic drug targets.‌ By integrating publicly available datasets along with data generated by the Open Targets consortium, the Platform builds and scores target-disease associations. Users can also explore relevant annotation information about targets, diseases, phenotypes, and drugs, as well as their most relevant relationships.

This webinar will provide an overview of the GraphQL API that powers the Open Targets Platform. The API provides multiple endpoints that support language-agnostic queries for a single entity or target-disease association. Users can also browse the schema to see available API fields and run sample queries using the API playground.

During the webinar, participants will have access to interactive walkthroughs and API queries that can be run directly in their browser. There will also be sample Python and R scripts that they can run to test different endpoints.

Resource type: Recorded webinar

Scientific topics: Drug discovery

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