Training materials
ELIXIR-CONVERGE - The why of research data management
• beginnerData management FAIR data Data curation and archival Data security Data integration and warehousing Data Life Cycle Data Steward Data Data access management Data management plan Data managment plan Data handling ELIXIR-CONVERGE -
Series of videos
Query Expansion services - tutorial
•• intermediateData management Data Query data Query expansion -
Overview of the
• beginnerFAIR data Data management FAIR FAIR principles Data sharing -
FAIRplus FAIRification wizard
• beginnerFAIR data FAIR Data management -
Online material, Recording, hands-on tutorial
MaBoSS: a tool for modelling biological systems
• beginnerMathematical modelling cancer Signalling boolean modelling logical modelling -
Slides, course materials, hands-on tutorial
Organisation and utilisation of hologenomic datasets – course notes
•• intermediateMetatranscriptomics Sample collections Metabolomics Metagenomics hologenomics metagenomics MGnify Workshop