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- GTN1
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- R288
- Python124
- Transcriptomics122
- RNA-seq85
- Genomics81
- Bioinformatics75
- Data management68
- Galaxy Server administration67
- Next generation sequencing66
- Statistics63
- FAIR61
- Machine learning57
- FAIR data54
- Data science53
- Foundations of Data Science50
- data management50
- Single-cell sequencing48
- Reproducibility47
- Proteomics46
- jupyter-notebook46
- Workflows43
- Data visualization40
- Unix/Linux40
- Single Cell37
- microgalaxy36
- General33
- training33
- Variant analysis30
- Version control30
- Development in Galaxy27
- Rare Diseases & Research27
- Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material26
- Data analysis26
- Genome Annotation26
- Metagenomics26
- Assembly25
- RDM25
- Using Galaxy and Managing your Data25
- Epigenetics24
- Ecology23
- Statistics and machine learning22
- data stewardship22
- ansible21
- Containerization20
- Shiny20
- sensitive data19
- Docker19
- FAIR Data, Workflows, and Research19
- Microbiome19
- Nextflow19
- REDCap19
- git-gat19
- interactive-tools19
- life-sciences19
- metadata19
- metagenomics19
- ChIP-seq18
- Cloud computing18
- Programming18
- Metadata17
- Teaching and Hosting Galaxy training17
- Variant Analysis17
- 10x16
- Roslin Institute16
- Shell16
- Climate15
- Metabolomics15
- Sequence analysis15
- fair15
- prokaryote15
- Introduction to Galaxy Analyses14
- Julia14
- gmod14
- jbrowse114
- Data management planning13
- Babraham Institute13
- EeLP13
- Europe PMC13
- Git13
- High performance computing13
- NGS13
- Ontologies13
- eLearning13
- earth-system13
- Clinical data12
- HPC12
- Literature search12
- Phylogenetics12
- Quarto12
- Spatial transcriptomics12
- Standards12
- bioinformatics12
- covid1912
- cyoa12
- health-informatics12
- paper-replication12
- ATAC-seq11
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Difficulty level
- Beginner1
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Target audience
- Students1
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- Marie Josse1
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- Helena Rasche1
- Marie Josse1
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Resource type
- e-learning1
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