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Scientific topic
- Transcriptomics
- Data management87
- Metadata management87
- Algorithms69
- Computer programming69
- Data structures69
- Programming languages69
- Software development69
- Software engineering69
- FAIR data60
- Findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable data60
- Comparative transcriptomics42
- Transcriptome42
- Biological sequences32
- Sequence analysis32
- Sequence databases32
- Metagenomics30
- Shotgun metagenomics30
- Community analysis26
- Environmental microbiology26
- Microbial ecology26
- Microbiome26
- Molecular community analysis26
- Bayesian methods24
- Biostatistics24
- Descriptive statistics24
- Gaussian processes24
- Inferential statistics24
- Markov processes24
- Multivariate statistics24
- Probabilistic graphical model24
- Probability24
- Statistics24
- Statistics and probability24
- Exomes23
- Genome annotation23
- Genomes23
- Genomics23
- Personal genomics23
- Synthetic genomics23
- Viral genomics23
- Whole genomes23
- Assembly22
- Computational ecology22
- Ecoinformatics22
- Ecological informatics22
- Ecology22
- Ecosystem science22
- Sequence assembly22
- Bioinformatics18
- Antimicrobial stewardship15
- Bottom-up proteomics15
- Cloud computing15
- Computer science15
- Discovery proteomics15
- HPC15
- High performance computing15
- High-performance computing15
- MS-based targeted proteomics15
- MS-based untargeted proteomics15
- Medical microbiology15
- Metaproteomics15
- Microbial genetics15
- Microbial physiology15
- Microbial surveillance15
- Microbiological surveillance15
- Microbiology15
- Molecular infection biology15
- Molecular microbiology15
- Peptide identification15
- Protein and peptide identification15
- Proteomics15
- Quantitative proteomics15
- Targeted proteomics15
- Top-down proteomics15
- Diffraction experiment13
- Epigenomics13
- Imaging13
- Microscopy13
- Microscopy imaging13
- Optical super resolution microscopy13
- Photonic force microscopy13
- Photonic microscopy13
- Taxonomy13
- DNA variation12
- Genetic variation12
- Genomic variation12
- Mutation12
- Polymorphism12
- Somatic mutations12
- Applied ontology11
- Ontologies11
- Ontology11
- Ontology and terminology11
- Ontology relations11
- Terminology11
- Upper ontology11
- Exometabolomics9
- LC-MS-based metabolomics9
- MS-based metabolomics9
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Content provider
- GTN42
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Difficulty level
- Beginner
- Not specified100
- Intermediate5
- Advanced1
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Target audience
- Students42
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- Mehmet Tekman11
- Pavankumar Videm8
- Maria Doyle7
- Wendi Bacon7
- Bérénice Batut6
- Cristóbal Gallardo4
- Alex Ostrovsky3
- Anika Erxleben3
- Anthony Bretaudeau3
- Belinda Phipson3
- Mallory Freeberg3
- Andrea Bagnacani2
- Anne Siegel2
- Beatriz Serrano-Solano2
- Chao Zhang2
- Hans-Rudolf Hotz2
- Harriet Dashnow2
- Jonathan Manning2
- Julia Jakiela2
- Mateo Boudet2
- Mo Heydarian2
- Nicola Soranzo2
- Olivier Dameron2
- Xavier Garnier2
- Anna Trigos1
- Anton Nekrutenko1
- Charity Law1
- Clemens Blank1
- Daniel Blankenberg1
- Daniel Maticzka1
- Diana Chiang Jurado1
- Erwan Corre1
- Florian Heyl1
- Fotis E. Psomopoulos1
- Gildas Le Corguillé1
- Graham Etherington1
- IGC Bioinformatics Unit1
- Jovana Maksimovic1
- Lucille Delisle1
- Markus Wolfien1
- Matt Ritchie1
- Peter van Heusden1
- Sanne Abeln1
- Shian Su1
- Sofoklis Keisaris1
- Toby Hodges1
- Wolfgang Maier1
- Xi Liu1
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- Mehmet Tekman10
- Helena Rasche7
- Maria Doyle6
- Bérénice Batut4
- Pavankumar Videm4
- Wendi Bacon4
- Alex Ostrovsky3
- Anthony Bretaudeau3
- Belinda Phipson3
- Julia Jakiela3
- Andrea Bagnacani2
- Anne Siegel2
- Beatriz Serrano-Solano2
- Chao Zhang2
- Cristóbal Gallardo2
- Fotis E. Psomopoulos2
- Hans-Rudolf Hotz2
- Harriet Dashnow2
- Mateo Boudet2
- Olivier Dameron2
- Xavier Garnier2
- Anika Erxleben1
- Anna Trigos1
- Anton Nekrutenko1
- Charity Law1
- Clea Siguret1
- Daniel Blankenberg1
- Daniel Maticzka1
- Erasmus+ Programme1
- Erwan Corre1
- Florian Heyl1
- Gildas Le Corguillé1
- Graham Etherington1
- IGC Bioinformatics Unit1
- James Taylor1
- Jovana Maksimovic1
- Lucille Delisle1
- Mallory Freeberg1
- Matt Ritchie1
- Nicola Soranzo1
- Sanne Abeln1
- Saskia Hiltemann1
- Shian Su1
- The Carpentries1
- Toby Hodges1
- Wolfgang Maier1
- Xi Liu1
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Resource type
- e-learning33
- slides9
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