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- Active learning1
- Antimicrobial stewardship1
- Bayesian methods1
- Biostatistics1
- Bottom-up proteomics1
- Breakend assembly1
- ChIP-exo1
- ChIP-seq1
- ChIP-sequencing1
- Chip Seq1
- Chip sequencing1
- Chip-sequencing1
- Chromosome walking1
- Clone verification1
- Comparative genomics1
- Comparative transcriptomics1
- DNA methylation1
- DNA-Seq1
- DNase-Seq1
- Data management1
- Descriptive statistics1
- Discovery proteomics1
- Ensembl learning1
- Epigenetics1
- Exomes1
- Exometabolomics1
- FAIR data1
- Findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable data1
- Functional genome annotation1
- Gaussian processes1
- Genome annotation1
- Genome assembly1
- Genomes1
- Genomic assembly1
- Genomics1
- High throughput sequencing1
- High-throughput sequencing1
- Histone modification1
- Inferential statistics1
- Kernel methods1
- Knowledge representation1
- LC-MS-based metabolomics1
- MS-based metabolomics1
- MS-based targeted metabolomics1
- MS-based targeted proteomics1
- MS-based untargeted metabolomics1
- MS-based untargeted proteomics1
- Machine learning1
- Markov processes1
- Mass spectrometry-based metabolomics1
- Medical microbiology1
- Metabolites1
- Metabolome1
- Metabolomics1
- Metabonomics1
- Metadata management1
- Metagenome annotation1
- Metagenomics1
- Metaproteomics1
- Methylation profiles1
- MicroRNA sequencing1
- Microbial genetics1
- Microbial physiology1
- Microbial surveillance1
- Microbiological surveillance1
- Microbiology1
- Molecular infection biology1
- Molecular microbiology1
- Multivariate statistics1
- NGS1
- NGS data analysis1
- NMR-based metabolomics1
- Neural networks1
- Next gen sequencing1
- Next generation sequencing1
- Panels1
- Peptide identification1
- Personal genomics1
- Primer walking1
- Probabilistic graphical model1
- Probability1
- Protein and peptide identification1
- Proteomics1
- Quantitative proteomics1
- RNA sequencing1
- RNA-Seq1
- RNA-Seq analysis1
- Recommender system1
- Reinforcement learning1
- Research data management (RDM)1
- Sanger sequencing1
- Sequence assembly (genome assembly)1
- Sequencing1
- Shotgun metagenomics1
- Single-cell genomics1
- Single-cell sequencing1
- Small RNA sequencing1
- Small RNA-Seq1
- Small-Seq1
- Statistics1
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Content provider
- Glittr.org1
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- ATAC-seq1
- ChIP-seq1
- Comparative genomics1
- Data management1
- Data science1
- Epigenetics1
- FAIR data1
- Galaxy1
- General1
- Genome annotation1
- Genome assembly1
- Genomics1
- Long read sequencing1
- Machine learning1
- Metabolomics1
- Metagenomics1
- Microbiology1
- Next generation sequencing1
- Proteomics1
- Python1
- R1
- RNA-seq1
- Reproducibility1
- Single-cell sequencing1
- Snakemake1
- Statistics1
- Transcriptomics1
- Unix/Linux1
- Variant analysis1
- Version control1
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- Not specified1
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- carpentries-incubator46
- SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics28
- NBIS - National Bioinformatics Infrastructure Sweden20
- posit-conf-202320
- UC Davis Bioinformatics Core Training Page18
- Teaching materials at the Harvard Chan Bioinformatics Core17
- posit::conf(2024)17
- Data Carpentry16
- bioinformatics.ca14
- CRUK CI Bioinformatics Core13
- Canadian Bioinformatics Workshops10
- Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência10
- The Gulbenkian Training Programme in Bioinformatics10
- @posit-pbc9
- Fred Hutch Data Science Lab9
- rstudio::conf(2022)9
- Sundeep Agarwal8
- AstraZeneca7
- Bioinformatics, Rockefeller University7
- Sergio Martínez Cuesta7
- Biocore@CRG6
- JuliaAcademy6
- Software Carpentry6
- Hadley Wickham5
- The Carpentries Lab5
- cambiotraining5
- jhudsl5
- Computational Biology and Bioinformatics at UCLouvain4
- ELIXIR Europe Training4
- Fred Hutch Data Science Lab @fhdsl4
- Health Data Science Sandbox4
- Institut Français de Bioinformatique (IFB)4
- RStudio4
- Rami Krispin4
- Ted Laderas4
- VIB Technologies: Training material and software projects4
- Waldron Lab at the CUNY SPH4
- Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation3
- Google3
- Harvard and Dana-Farber Cancer Institute3
- Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology3
- R Programming @ University of Cincinnati3
- RStudio Education3
- Rafael A Irizarry3
- Richard McElreath3
- Roger D. Peng3
- University of Texas at Austin3
- 84.51°2
- @rstudio2
- Aedin Culhane2
- AgroParisTech2
- Allen Downey2
- Antonello Lobianco2
- Bioconductor2
- Boston University2
- Bradley Boehmke2
- C. Li2
- Cloud-SPAN2
- Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard School of Public Health2
- David Dalpiaz2
- Davis Laboratory2
- ELIXIR-Norway Training2
- Jake Vanderplas2
- James W. MacDonald2
- Jennifer (Jenny) Bryan2
- Jose A Dianes2
- Leiden Computational Biology Center2
- Lukas Weber2
- Master of Environmental Data Science (MEDS) program2
- Melbourne Bioinformatics2
- Olin College of Engineering2
- Oslo Centre for Biostatistics and Epidemiology2
- PerMedCoE2
- Sophie Lee2
- The Griffith Lab2
- Theis Lab2
- University of Georgia2
- University of Michigan2
- University of Washington2
- Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research2
- fast.ai2
- http://mosaic-tx.com2
- posit-dev2
- @IFB-ElixirFr1
- @LieberInstitute1
- @Lightning-AI , University of Wisconsin-Madison1
- @MaterializeInc1
- @UTAustin1
- @facebook1
- @formbio1
- @foss421
- @posit-dev1
- @rstudio @UBC-DSCI @UBC-MDS1
- A. Solomon Kurz1
- AWS Samples1
- Aditya Dahiya1
- Aix Marseille Univ, INSERM, TAGC, UMR_S_1090, TGML, MarMaRa Institute1
- Aix-Marseille Université1
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