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- Algorithms
- Assembly6
- Sequence assembly6
- Biological sequences5
- Sequence analysis5
- Sequence databases5
- Community analysis4
- Environmental microbiology4
- Microbial ecology4
- Microbiome4
- Molecular community analysis4
- Antimicrobial stewardship3
- Bayesian methods3
- Biostatistics3
- Comparative transcriptomics3
- De novo genome sequencing3
- Descriptive statistics3
- Exomes3
- Gaussian processes3
- Genome annotation3
- Genome sequencing3
- Genomes3
- Genomics3
- Inferential statistics3
- Markov processes3
- Medical microbiology3
- Metagenomics3
- Microbial genetics3
- Microbial physiology3
- Microbial surveillance3
- Microbiological surveillance3
- Microbiology3
- Molecular infection biology3
- Molecular microbiology3
- Multivariate statistics3
- Personal genomics3
- Probabilistic graphical model3
- Probability3
- Shotgun metagenomics3
- Statistics3
- Statistics and probability3
- Synthetic genomics3
- Transcriptome3
- Transcriptomics3
- Viral genomics3
- WGS3
- Whole genome resequencing3
- Whole genome sequencing3
- Whole genomes3
- Computer programming2
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- Software development2
- Software engineering2
- DNA variation1
- Epidemiology1
- Functional genomics1
- Gene and protein families1
- Gene families1
- Gene family1
- Gene system1
- Genes, gene family or system1
- Genetic linkage1
- Genetic variation1
- Genomic variation1
- Linkage1
- Linkage mapping1
- Mapping1
- Mobile genetic elements1
- Mutation1
- Polymorphism1
- Protein families1
- Protein sequence classification1
- Public health1
- Public health and epidemiology1
- Somatic mutations1
- Synteny1
- Taxonomy1
- Transposons1
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- GTN2
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- Teresa Müller
- Saskia Hiltemann69
- Helena Rasche68
- Björn Grüning28
- Anthony Bretaudeau24
- Bérénice Batut23
- Donny Vrins21
- Marius van den Beek20
- Gildas Le Corguillé19
- Nicola Soranzo17
- Peter van Heusden16
- Wendi Bacon16
- Bazante Sanders15
- Niall Beard15
- Beatriz Serrano-Solano13
- Cristóbal Gallardo11
- William Durand8
- Martin Čech7
- John Chilton6
- Alex Ostrovsky3
- Dave B.3
- Fotis E. Psomopoulos3
- John Davis3
- Maria Christina Maniou3
- Ross Lazarus3
- Simon Gladman3
- Anton Nekrutenko2
- Dannon Baker2
- David López2
- Emma Barnes2
- James Chong2
- Johan Gustafsson2
- Nate Coraor2
- Paul Zierep2
- Sofoklis Keisaris2
- Software Sustainability Institute2
- University of York2
- Youri Hoogstrate2
- Alexander Botzki1
- Assunta DeSanto1
- Cameron Hyde1
- Clare Sloggett1
- Elin Kronander1
- Erik Schill1
- Lain Pavot1
- Lisanna Paladin1
- Marie Josse1
- Markus Englund1
- Mateusz Kuzak1
- Matthias Bernt1
- Mattias Strömberg1
- Niclas Jareborg1
- Nina Buchina1
- Nitesh Turaga1
- Oleg Zharkov1
- Olivia Doppelt-Azeroual1
- Simon Bray1
- Stephan Nylinder1
- Toby Hodges1
- Tunc Kayikcioglu1
- Tuur Muyldermans1
- Yongbin Li1
- Yvonne Kallberg1
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- e-learning2
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