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Scientific topic
- py
- Bayesian methods8
- Biostatistics8
- Descriptive statistics8
- Gaussian processes8
- Inferential statistics8
- Markov processes8
- Multivariate statistics8
- Probabilistic graphical model8
- Probability8
- Statistics8
- Statistics and probability8
- Chromosome walking4
- Clone verification4
- Comparative transcriptomics4
- DNA-Seq4
- DNase-Seq4
- High throughput sequencing4
- High-throughput sequencing4
- NGS4
- NGS data analysis4
- Next gen sequencing4
- Next generation sequencing4
- Panels4
- Primer walking4
- Sanger sequencing4
- Sequencing4
- Targeted next-generation sequencing panels4
- Transcriptome4
- Transcriptomics4
- Active learning3
- Data management3
- Ensembl learning3
- FAIR data3
- Findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable data3
- Kernel methods3
- Knowledge representation3
- Machine learning3
- Metadata management3
- MicroRNA sequencing3
- Neural networks3
- RNA sequencing3
- RNA-Seq3
- RNA-Seq analysis3
- Recommender system3
- Reinforcement learning3
- Research data management (RDM)3
- Small RNA sequencing3
- Small RNA-Seq3
- Small-Seq3
- Supervised learning3
- Transcriptome profiling3
- Unsupervised learning3
- Whole transcriptome shotgun sequencing3
- miRNA-seq3
- Python2
- Python program2
- Python script2
- SPARQL Protocol and RDF Query Language2
- Single-cell genomics2
- Single-cell sequencing2
- Data mining1
- Enrichment1
- Enrichment analysis1
- Exomes1
- Functional enrichment1
- Genome annotation1
- Genomes1
- Genomics1
- Integrative omics1
- Multi-omics1
- Multiomics1
- Network1
- Over-representation analysis1
- Pan-omics1
- Panomics1
- Pathway1
- Pathway or network1
- Pattern recognition1
- Personal genomics1
- Pipelines1
- R1
- R program1
- R script1
- Software integration1
- Synthetic genomics1
- Tool integration1
- Tool interoperability1
- Variant pattern analysis1
- Viral genomics1
- Whole genomes1
- Workflows1
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Content provider
- Glittr.org2
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- Python2
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Difficulty level
- Not specified2
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- SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics
- carpentries-incubator7
- Sundeep Agarwal3
- Google2
- Jake Vanderplas2
- UC Davis Bioinformatics Core Training Page2
- posit-dev2
- @Lightning-AI , University of Wisconsin-Madison1
- @UTAustin1
- @foss421
- @posit-pbc1
- @rstudio @UBC-DSCI @UBC-MDS1
- Akuli1
- Alex Hall1
- Ankit Mahato1
- AstraZeneca1
- Cargenie Mellon1
- Charles Severance1
- Daniel Chen1
- Data Carpentry1
- Data Science in Practice1
- Decathlon Digital - @dktunited1
- ELIXIR Europe Training1
- Greg Malcolm1
- Guillaume Gautier1
- Hacking for Science1
- Hamel Husain1
- Insee1
- Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência1
- Jean de Dieu Nyandwi1
- Jeffrey Hu1
- Jose A Dianes1
- João Ventura1
- Kevin Heavey1
- Kushal Das1
- Leighton Pritchard1
- LiaPlayground1
- Lino Galiana1
- Michael Pyrcz1
- MolSSI Education1
- Nina Buchina1
- Oleksii Trekhleb1
- OpenTechSchool1
- Parlance Labs1
- Plants&Python1
- Python Packages1
- Queen Mary University of London, School of Business and Management1
- Rami Krispin1
- Real Python1
- S.Lott1
- Sebastian Raschka1
- Sergio Martínez Cuesta1
- SoftUni1
- Software Carpentry1
- Swaroop CH1
- Talk Python1
- The Algorithms1
- The Gulbenkian Training Programme in Bioinformatics1
- UC Berkeley Data 1001
- UC Berkeley Data 81
- Uber1
- University of Michigan1
- University of Strathclyde1
- VIB Technologies: Training material and software projects1
- Valentin Danchev1
- Vince Carey1
- Wes McKinney1
- Women In Bioinformatics and Data Science Latin America1
- Zhixinfuture1
- bioinfo-prog1
- cambiotraining1
- http://mosaic-tx.com1
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