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- Antimicrobial stewardship1
- Communicable disease1
- Evolution1
- Evolutionary biology1
- Exomes1
- Genome annotation1
- Genomes1
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- Infectious disease1
- Medical microbiology1
- Microbial genetics1
- Microbial physiology1
- Microbial surveillance1
- Microbiological surveillance1
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- Molecular infection biology1
- Molecular microbiology1
- Personal genomics1
- Phylogenetic clocks1
- Phylogenetic dating1
- Phylogenetic simulation1
- Phylogenetic stratigraphy1
- Phylogeny1
- Phylogeny reconstruction1
- Synthetic genomics1
- Transmissible disease1
- Viral genomics1
- Whole genomes1
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- GTN1
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- Beginner
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- Students1
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- Saskia Hiltemann421
- Helena Rasche412
- Björn Grüning283
- Bérénice Batut194
- Nicola Soranzo153
- Cristóbal Gallardo90
- Niall Beard82
- Martin Čech77
- Anthony Bretaudeau71
- Nate Coraor67
- Gildas Le Corguillé54
- William Durand53
- Simon Gladman51
- Wendi Bacon48
- Marius van den Beek45
- Mehmet Tekman44
- Lucille Delisle40
- Yvan Le Bras34
- Pavankumar Videm28
- Teresa Müller25
- Beatriz Serrano-Solano24
- Maria Doyle22
- Anne Fouilloux21
- Julia Jakiela20
- Anup Kumar16
- Khaled Jum'ah16
- Melanie Föll16
- Wolfgang Maier16
- Simon Bray15
- Deepti Varshney14
- Donny Vrins14
- Bazante Sanders13
- Marie Josse13
- Anton Nekrutenko12
- Matthias Bernt12
- Pablo Moreno12
- Subina Mehta12
- Gianmauro Cuccuru11
- Mélanie Petera11
- Peter van Heusden11
- David López10
- Marisa Loach10
- Mira Kuntz10
- Delphine Lariviere9
- John Chilton9
- Katarzyna Kamieniecka9
- Elin Kronander8
- Kaivan Kamali8
- Paul Zierep8
- Tomas Klingström8
- Wolmar Nyberg Åkerström8
- Hans-Rudolf Hotz7
- Markus Englund7
- Mattias Strömberg7
- Melissa Burke7
- Niclas Jareborg7
- Pratik Jagtap7
- Stephan Nylinder7
- Yvonne Kallberg7
- Dave Clements6
- Ekaterina Polkh6
- Erik Hedman6
- Mallory Freeberg6
- Sabine Österle6
- Alex Ostrovsky5
- Alexandre Cormier5
- Alireza Khanteymoori5
- Anna Syme5
- Bert Droesbeke5
- Catherine Bromhead5
- Florian Heyl5
- John Davis5
- Stéphanie Robin5
- Timothy J. Griffin5
- Andrea Bagnacani4
- Clea Siguret4
- Coline Royaux4
- Daniel Sobral4
- Dave B.4
- Eli Chadwick4
- Enis Afgan4
- Fotis E. Psomopoulos4
- Pinar Alper4
- Tim Beck4
- Vassilios Ioannidis4
- Clemens Blank3
- David Philip Judge3
- Eija Korpelainen3
- Gautier Sarah3
- Jean-François Dufayard3
- Jennifer Hillman-Jackson3
- Joachim Wolff3
- Krzysztof Poterlowicz3
- Mateo Boudet3
- Mateusz Kuzak3
- Miaomiao Zhou3
- Munazah Andrabi3
- Nuwan Goonasekera3
- Our list of contributors can be found on our course page.3
- Pedro Fernandes3
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Resource type
- e-learning1
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