Training materials
Content provider: European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI)
and Include disabled: true
and Resource type: Course materials
Course materials
Small molecule chemistry: from proteins to pathways: EMBL-EBI resources in practice
Course materials
Plant genomes: from data to discovery
Course materials
Proteomics bioinformatics 2024
Course materials
Data-driven approaches to understanding dementia
Course materials
Livestock genomics
Course materials
Exploring gene and environmental exposure interactions to understand human health and disease
Course materials
Interpreting the effects of genetic variants on protein structure and function: EMBL-EBI resources in practice
Course materials
Genome bioinformatics: from short- to long-read sequencing
Course materials
Metagenomics bioinformatics at MGnify
Course materials
Managing a Bioinformatics Core Facility: CABANA Virtual Workshop Handbook