Training materials
Authors: Samaha, Georgina (orcid: 0000-0003-0419-1476)
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10 materials found
WEBINAR: What exactly is bioinformatics?
WORKSHOP: RNASeq: reads to differential genes and pathways
WEBINAR: Getting started with RNAseq: Transforming raw reads into biological insights
WORKSHOP: Unlocking nf-core - customising workflows for your research
WEBINAR: Pro tips for scaling bioinformatics workflows to HPC
WORKSHOP: Make your bioinformatics workflows findable and citable
WORKSHOP: RNA-Seq: reads to differential genes and pathways
WEBINAR: Getting started with whole genome mapping and variant calling on the command line
WEBINAR: Where to go when your bioinformatics outgrows your compute
WEBINAR: High performance bioinformatics: submitting your best NCMAS application