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- Glittr.org1
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- Lino Galiana
- carpentries-incubator9
- allegra.via Via7
- Data Carpentry2
- Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência2
- Jose A Dianes2
- The Gulbenkian Training Programme in Bioinformatics2
- Theis Lab2
- http://mosaic-tx.com2
- @Lightning-AI , University of Wisconsin-Madison1
- @posit-pbc1
- Akuli1
- Allen Downey1
- Cargenie Mellon1
- Charles Severance1
- Common Fund Data Ecosystem1
- Dominic Waithe1
- ELIXIR Europe Training1
- Fran Lewitter1
- Fred Hutch Data Science Lab1
- Hacking for Science1
- Hamel Husain1
- Insee1
- Jean de Dieu Nyandwi1
- Jeffrey Hu1
- Jeremy Cohen1
- João Ventura1
- Kushal Das1
- Kyran Dale1
- Leighton Pritchard1
- MolSSI Education1
- NBIS - National Bioinformatics Infrastructure Sweden1
- Navid Nobani1
- Olin College of Engineering1
- OpenTechSchool1
- Oxford University1
- Parlance Labs1
- Paul Yorke1
- Plants&Python1
- Python Packages1
- Queen Mary University of London, School of Business and Management1
- R. Burke Squires1
- Rami Krispin1
- Real Python1
- Rohan Alexander1
- Sebastian Raschka1
- SoftUni1
- Software Carpentry1
- Stefanie Lueck1
- Steve Crouch1
- Swaroop CH1
- Teaching materials at the Harvard Chan Bioinformatics Core1
- The McDonnell Genome Institute1
- UC Berkeley Data 1001
- UC Berkeley Data 81
- University of Michigan1
- University of Milan-Bicocca1
- University of Strathclyde1
- VIB Technologies: Training material and software projects1
- Valentin Danchev1
- Vince Carey1
- Wes McKinney1
- Zhixinfuture1
- bioinformatics.ca1
- udlbook1
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- Insee1
- Lino Galiana1
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