hands-on tutorial

Hands-on for 'Assembly of metagenomic sequencing data' tutorial

The questions this addresses are:
- Why metagenomic data should be assembled?
- What is the difference between co-assembly and individual assembly?
- What is the difference between reads, contigs and scaffolds?
- How tools based on De Bruijn graph work?
- How to assess the quality of metagenomic data assembly?

The objectives are:
- Describe what an assembly is
- Describe what de-replication is
- Explain the difference between co-assembly and individual assembly
- Explain the difference between reads, contigs and scaffolds
- Explain how tools based on De Bruijn graph work
- Apply appropriate tools for analyzing the quality of metagenomic data
- Construct and apply simple assembly pipelines on short read data
- Apply appropriate tools for analyzing the quality of metagenomic assembly
- Evaluate the Quality of the Assembly with Quast, Bowtie2, and CoverM-Genome

Licence: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International

Keywords: metagenomics, assembly, metagenomics

Target audience: Students

Resource type: hands-on tutorial

Authors: Bérénice Batut, Polina Polunina

Scientific topics: Metagenomics

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