ChIP-Seq, Experimental-design, QC, ChIP-Seq-QC, Data-format, Alignment, Peak-calling, Differential-binding, Annotation
Global learning objectives
- Describe the ChIP-Seq experimental and analysis workflow
- Apply suitable experimental design
- Apply suitable quality control
- Visualise raw and processed data
- Annotate, interpret and assess results
Top | Keywords | Objectives | Modules
Every module has had an Essential/Optional state assigned by the consortium.
Essential conveys the opinion that these modules should always be adressed in
any course/workshop about ChIP-Seq, i.e. they are the minimal set of modules
that a trainee has to learn about. The optional modules on the other hand may
be addressed depending on the workshop/course program/duration.
Preprocessing (Essential)
- Describe necessary preprocessing steps
- Apply QC software and interpret the result
Alignment (Essential)
- Use aligner software
- Discuss alignment considerations
ChIP-seq-QC (Essential)
- Explain ChIP-seq specific QC steps
- Perform ChIP-seq QC on a data set
Peak-calling (Essential)
- List appropriate peak-calling software
- Describe the theoretical basis of peak-calling
- Test different peak callers
Visualisation (Essential)
- Apply visualisation software to raw and processed data
- Assess data quality
Annotation (Optional)
- Interpret results in the genomic context
Differential-binding (Optional)
- Define an appropriate experimental and analysis design
- Discuss normalization strategies
- Perform differential binding analysis
- Interpret results
Working with biological replicates (Optional)
- Compare and combine different biological replicates using IDR analysis
Non-peak based analysis (Optional)
- Inspect signal around regions of interest
- Generate carpet plots
Top | Keywords | Objectives | Modules
Keywords: ChIP-Seq, Experimental-design, QC, ChIP-Seq-QC, Data-format, Alignment, Peak-calling, Differential-binding, Annotation
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