Byte-sized RSE series

Byte-sized RSE (Research Software Engineering) is a series of short interactive tutorial sessions where you can learn key skills to improve how you write and manage your research software in just 1 hour. They provide opportunities to gain hands-on experience and to ask questions, in an informal and informative environment.

Hosted and run by the UKRI and EPSRC-funded UNIVERSE-HPC project, the sessions cover a wide variety of topics including GitHub tips, writing a good README file, Python testing, package managers, code style and linting, and code review. Each session has a companion podcast episode in the Code for Thought podcast series.


Keywords: RSE, coding skills, Research software

Status: Active

Learning objectives:

GitHub tips, writing a good README file, Python testing, package managers, code style and linting, and code review

Authors: Jeremy Cohen, Steve Crouch

Activity log