Basic LINUX/Unix
This course is aimed to provide basic survival skills in Linux and the terminal environment. We will teach you how to access files and folders, move around and hopefully shake off the fear of getting stuck somewhere along the way.
No prior knowledge is expected.
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Keywords: Linux, Linux basics, UNIX, Unix Shell, Unix commands, Unix/Linux, Shell, Command line
Target audience: Beginners
Resource type: lessons
Version: 1.0
Status: Active
Learning objectives:
- Obtain basic knowledge on dealing with files using command line (Linux or Mac)
- Learn how to use search over several text files, combine files, extract certain knowledge.
- Tips and tricks for effective command line hacks that would save a lot of time.
Date created: 2024-10-23
Date modified: 2024-10-23
Date published: 2024-10-29
Scientific topics: Informatics
Activity log