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- ELIXIR Norway1
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Scientific topic
- Small-Seq
- Bioinformatics6
- Biological sequences3
- Chromosome walking3
- Clone verification3
- DNA-Seq3
- DNase-Seq3
- High throughput sequencing3
- High-throughput sequencing3
- MicroRNA sequencing3
- NGS3
- NGS data analysis3
- Next gen sequencing3
- Next generation sequencing3
- Panels3
- Primer walking3
- RNA sequencing3
- RNA-Seq3
- RNA-Seq analysis3
- Sanger sequencing3
- Sequence analysis3
- Sequence databases3
- Sequencing3
- Small RNA sequencing3
- Small RNA-Seq3
- Targeted next-generation sequencing panels3
- Transcriptome profiling3
- Whole transcriptome shotgun sequencing3
- miRNA-seq3
- Active learning2
- Data management2
- Ensembl learning2
- Kernel methods2
- Knowledge representation2
- Machine learning2
- Metadata management2
- Neural networks2
- Recommender system2
- Reinforcement learning2
- Research data management (RDM)2
- Supervised learning2
- Unsupervised learning2
- Cell biology1
- Cells1
- Cellular processes1
- Data integration1
- Data integration and warehousing1
- Data warehousing1
- Exomes1
- Genome annotation1
- Genomes1
- Genomics1
- Personal genomics1
- Pipelines1
- Population genomics1
- Protein subcellular localization1
- Software integration1
- Synthetic genomics1
- Tool integration1
- Tool interoperability1
- Viral genomics1
- Whole genomes1
- Workflows1
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Event type
- Workshops and courses3
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Target audience
- post-docs
- Cette formation est destinée aux biologistes (ingénieurs, doctorants, chercheurs, enseignants-chercheurs, praticiens…) confrontés à l’analyse de données NGS, et qui ne disposent pas des compétences bioinformatiques suffisantes.2
- Graduate students2
- Institutions and other external Institutions or individuals2
- PhD students2
- Postdocs and Staff members from the University of Cambridge2
- Anyone who wants to become a teacher / trainer or a better one1
- Beginners1
- Early Career Researchers (ECRs)1
- Job seeker1
- Life Science Researchers1
- PhD Students1
- PhD Students or young researchers in molecular biology and/or genetics with little or no background in bioinformatics. 1
- PhD students and young researchers in the life science and computational biology field who are planning to use RNA-seq data and are looking for the best practices to analyze these types of data1
- Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs)1
- This course is aimed at life science researchers wanting to learn more about processing RNA-Seq data and later downstream analysis. It will help those wanting a basic introduction to handling RNA-Seq data, guiding them through several common approaches that can be applied to their own datasets. It features taught and practical sessions that cover how to interpret gene expression data and learn more about the biological significance of certain results. Participants will require a basic knowledge of the Unix command line, the Ubuntu 18 operating system and the R statistical packages. We recommend these free tutorials: Basic introduction to the Unix environment: www.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Teaching/Unix Introduction and exercises for Linux: https://training.linuxfoundation.org/free-linux-training Basic R concept tutorials: www.r-tutor.com/r-introduction Regardless of your current knowledge we encourage successful participants to use these, and other materials, to prepare for attending the course and future work in this area.1
- This course is aimed at researchers from Masters-level upwards within Latin America who are working with and/or generating their own plant genomic and transcriptomic datasets. Prerequisites: Some basic computational or previous bioinformatics experience is required for this workshop, particularly using the UNIX operating system (basic command line skills) and R. You may find the resources below useful: Basic introduction to the Unix environment: www.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Teaching/Unix Introduction and exercises for Linux: https://training.linuxfoundation.org/free-linux-training Basic R concept tutorials: www.r-tutor.com/r-introduction Important: All participants must bring a laptop for the course. We will use a virtual machine (VM) provided by instructors for the course practical sessions. All laptops must be of 64-bit architecture with any Operating System and have at least 60 GB free space. Please also note: this course will be taught in Spanish, however the trainers are fluent in English and can offer language support where feasible. A number of travel fellowships are available for this course - early-stage researchers and researchers from underrepresented groups are especially encouraged to apply for CABANA travel fellowships. You can apply for travel fellowships via the course application form.1
- This course is aimed at researchers who are generating, planning on generating, or working with single cell RNA sequencing data. Prerequisites Participants will be using a Galaxy resource in-depth. Participants may also be asked to do brief coding in R. Please ensure that you complete the free tutorials before you attend the course: Introduction to Galaxy: https://galaxyproject.org/tutorials/g101/ Basic R concept tutorials: www.r-tutor.com/r-introduction There are other tutorials here, although they are not required: https://galaxyproject.org/learn/1
- This course is aimed at researchers who are generating, planning on generating, or working with single cell RNA sequencing data. Prerequisites Participants will be using a Galaxy resource in-depth. Participants may also be asked to do brief coding in R. Please ensure that you complete the free tutorials before you attend the course: Introduction to Galaxy: https://galaxyproject.org/tutorials/g101/ Basic R concept tutorials: www.r-tutor.com/r-introduction There are other tutorials here, although they are not required: https://galaxyproject.org/learn/1
- This course is aimed at researchers who are generating, planning on generating, or working with single cell RNA sequencing or image-based transcriptomics data. This course will not cover any aspects of data analysis, therefore no prior computational knowledge is required.1
- Wet-lab Researchers1
- bioinformaticians1
- biologists1
- teachers / trainers1
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