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- Data management plan
- HDRUK1505
- bioinformatics198
- training179
- ISCB148
- OtherEvents118
- online110
- omics109
- programming98
- communication skills91
- statistics79
- Bioinformatics78
- Proteins (proteins)78
- personal effectiveness72
- Galaxy68
- advanced bioinformatics66
- DNA & RNA (dna-rna)65
- software62
- Ensembl60
- ABR58
- career development56
- data management52
- R51
- hands-on51
- genes and genomes47
- data visualisation44
- research data management44
- UniProt: The Universal Protein Resource43
- DMP42
- basic bioinformatics41
- NGS40
- biostatistics38
- next generation sequencing38
- torsten schwede & thierry sengstag group38
- FAIR34
- functional genomics34
- Data management33
- reproducibility32
- transcriptomics32
- leadership & management31
- mark ibberson group31
- HPC30
- RNA-seq30
- experimental biology30
- eLearning29
- grant writing29
- high-performance computing29
- EeLP28
- Ensembl Variant Effect Predictor28
- life sciences28
- tess28
- Ensembl Genomes26
- data analysis26
- microscopy25
- API24
- rémy bruggmann group24
- Genomics23
- RNA-Seq22
- Protein Data Bank in Europe22
- Python22
- machine learning22
- Nextflow21
- imaging21
- Workflows20
- metadata20
- services and resources20
- R-programming19
- Data analysis19
- Europe PubMed Central19
- ISCBCo-SponsoredorAffiliatedEvent19
- Cross domain (cross-domain)18
- Gene expression (gene-expression)18
- TESS18
- medicine and health18
- wellbeing18
- Expression Atlas17
- Programmatic access17
- data FAIRness17
- IntAct Molecular Interaction Database16
- Open Targets16
- biomarkers16
- raphael gottardo group16
- Data visualisation15
- Literature (literature)15
- Metabolomics15
- SoftwareCarpentry15
- biochemistry15
- data publication15
- environmental science15
- population genomics15
- single-cell biology15
- Command line14
- Git14
- InterPro14
- Reactome pathways database14
- genomics14
- BioExcel13
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Scientific topic
- Data management13
- Metadata management13
- Research data management (RDM)13
- Bioinformatics3
- Aerobiology2
- Behavioural biology2
- Biological rhythms2
- Biological science2
- Biology2
- Chronobiology2
- Cryobiology2
- Data archival2
- Data archiving2
- Data clean-up2
- Data cleaning2
- Data curation2
- Data curation and archival2
- Data integrity2
- Data preservation2
- Data privacy2
- Data quality2
- Data quality management2
- Data security2
- Database curation2
- FAIR data2
- Findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable data2
- Open science2
- Reproductive biology2
- Research data archiving2
- Laboratory information management1
- Laboratory resources1
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Target audience
- Researchers10
- PhD students8
- Professors6
- All postgraduates5
- Life sciences5
- data steward / data manager5
- Post Docs4
- Senior scientist/ Principal investigator4
- Technicians4
- Life Science Researchers3
- Master students3
- PhD candidate3
- Biologists2
- Biomedical researchers2
- PhD candidates2
- bioinformaticians2
- data manager2
- data stewards2
- health professionals2
- postdoctoral researchers2
- Associate Professors1
- Post-Doctoral Fellows1
- Postdoctoral researcher1
- Professor1
- Support Staff1
- Technologists1
- data managers1
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