Date: 5 August 2021 @ 10:00 - 11:00

Timezone: Canberra

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Do you collaborate on distributed data analysis? Needing to launch, monitor, and manage data pipelines on different infrastructures? Maybe Nextflow Tower could help you to code, deploy and enjoy!

Nextflow Tower is a centralised command-post for the management of Nextflow data pipelines. It brings monitoring, logging & observability to distributed workflows and simplifies the deployment of pipelines on any cloud, cluster or laptop.

In this demonstration you’ll get an overview of Nextflow Tower’s capabilities, hear how it’s being used and learn some technical details about its deployment.

Users can launch pre-configured pipelines with ease while the flexible API provides programmatic integration to meet the needs of organisations building on top of Nextflow Tower. Workflow developers can publish pipelines to shared workspaces and administrators can set up and manage the infrastructure required to run data analysis at scale.

Given its design for highly distributed, infrastructure agnostic computation, Australian BioCommons and our partners are interested in what benefits Nextflow Tower might provide for institutional, national and commercial compute and cloud services. We thought you might like to hear about it too, so this is an open invitation to listen in and bring your questions.

Who the webinar is for: Anyone interested in hearing about Nextflow Tower

Presenter: Dr Evan Floden, CEO & Co-founder, Seqera Labs

Date/time: 5 August 2021 - 10:00-11:00 AEST / 9:30 - 10:30 ACST / 08:00-10:00 AWST / 02:00 - 03:00 CEST

How to join: This webinar is free to join but you must register for a place in advance.

Register here

Contact: Christina Hall [email protected]

Keywords: Workflows, Distributed data analysis

Venue: Online

Country: Australia

Organizer: Australian BioCommons

Host institutions: Australian Biocommons


  • First come first served

Capacity: 500

Event types:

  • Workshops and courses

Scientific topics: Data management, Workflows

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