Date: 20 - 23 May 2019

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The 6th VIB summer school in advanced light microscopy is an opportunity for Ph.D. students, post-Doctoral fellows, staff scientists and technical staff to receive training in the skills needed to image the micro-world using the latest in advanced microscopy techniques and equipment. The course begins with the basic concepts and theory of optical microscopy and proceeds using a combination of lectures and practical exercises through advanced light microscopy including live cell and tissue imaging, functional microscopy (FRAP/FRET/FLIM), advanced fluorescence and super-resolution microscopy.

Venue: Ghent - VIB/UGent FSVM I, Technologiepark 71

City: Zwijnaarde

Country: Belgium

Postcode: 9052

Organizer: VIB

Event types:

  • Workshops and courses

Sponsors: Leica, Nikon

Activity log