R basics
Date: 3 - 11 June 2024
Timezone: Tallinn
The aim of the first sessions is to give you the very basic knowledge of R, about the building blocks of R. This should be almost enough for you to be able to start working in R on your own. It should cover the basics that is assumed to be known by help pages and specific tutorials on the internet – I expect you to be able to more or less follow them after the first couple of session of our course.
We will then continue towards the modern workflow in R, using some more recent add-ons (or packages, as they are called in R). We will cover data wran- gling, convenient aggregation, filtering, slicing. We will look at data visualisa- tion with grammar of graphics and how to create professional looking reports and articles straight from R1.
R will feel different at first if you have never used a scripting language, and it does have a learning curve. We will ascend the steepest part of it during the first sessions. The worse will be over by then and we can continue with stuff that is much more fun, reaching the elegant features of modern R that have made R the language of choice in many fields.
Keywords: R, R Studio, ggplot2, Rmarkdown, Quarto, dplyr, data visualisation
Venue: Akadeemia tee 3, room SOC-408, Tallinn, Estonia
City: Tallinn
Country: Estonia
Postcode: 12616
Learning objectives:
- work in R and RStudio
- write functions in R
- understand the concept of grammar of graphics and work with ggplot2
- understand the concept of tidy data and convert data between long and wide format
- data filtering and summarizing by groups with dplyr
- minimum necessary understanding of RMarkdown/Quarto
Organizer: Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology; Tallinn University of Technology
Host institutions: Tallinn University of Technology
- By invitation
Target audience: Beginners
Event types:
- Workshops and courses
Cost basis: Free to all
Scientific topics: Informatics, Computer science
External resources:Activity log