Galaxy Training Academy 2024
Date: 7 - 11 October 2024
The Galaxy Academy is a self-paced online training event for beginners as well as learners who would like to improve their Galaxy data analysis skills. Over the course of one week, we will have a different topic and focus every day.
Start the Course!
Keywords: beginner
Learning objectives:
- Assess long reads FASTQ quality using Nanoplot and PycoQC
- Assess short reads FASTQ quality using FASTQE 🧬😎 and FastQC
- Become comfortable converting text-based files in a variety of ways.
- Connect different parts of the Research Object using identifiers
- Construct an RO-Crate by hand using JSON
- Describe each part of the Research Object
- Explain what is a BAM file and what it contains
- Familiarize yourself with data manipulation tools in Galaxy
- Familiarize yourself with the basics of Galaxy
- Gain understanding on navigating and manipulating histories
- Generate a workflow test using Planemo
- Learn about how Galaxy handles NGS data using Illumina data derived from patients infected with SARS-CoV-2
- Learn basic JSON-LD to create FAIR metadata
- Learn how histories work
- Learn how to create a workflow
- Learn how to extract and run a workflow
- Learn how to obtain data from external sources
- Learn how to run tools
- Learn how to share a history
- Learn how to share your work
- Learn how to upload a file
- Learn how to use a tool
- Learn how to view histories
- Learn how to view results
- Perform basic text manipulation tasks in Galaxy
- Perform quality correction with Cutadapt (short reads)
- Process single-end and paired-end data
- Reason about the expected outcome of tools
- Run a tool to map reads to a reference genome
- Summarise quality metrics MultiQC
- Understand and master dataset collections
- Understand how testing can be automated with GitHub Actions
- Understand most common types of NGS-related datatypes
- Use genome browser to understand your data
Organizer: Anika Erxleben (, Anna Syme (, Anton Nekrutenko (, Dannon Baker (, Delphine Lariviere (, Gareth Price (, John Davis (, Michael Schatz (, Natalie Kucher (, Natalie Whitaker-Allen (, Saskia Hiltemann (, Teresa Müller (
Event types:
- Workshops and courses
Sponsors: ABRomics, DataPLANT (NFDI4Plants), ELIXIR Europe, Institut Français de Bioinformatique, Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden-Württemberg, de.NBI
Scientific topics: Mapping
Activity log