Date: 15 September - 20 October 2022

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Topics that will be addressed during this training are:

Leadership & communication:

    Defining - 'A good agreement'
    How do you make good agreements?
    Being loyal to your own style - what does that mean?


    How to formulate objectives and share essential information with my team and/or management
    Receiving response to your questions
    How to communicate professionally and with impact
    Do's and don'ts in communication
    Communication structures and handling negative feedback

Structure conversations and negative feedback
Boundaries: examine, determine, protect and expand.
Meeting culture:

    Good meeting management.
    Do's and don'ts in meeting culture

How to deal with resistance in your team or with your team leader

Keywords: personal effectiveness, communication skills

Venue: Ghent - VIB/UGent FSVM II, Technologiepark 75

City: Zwijnaarde

Country: Belgium

Postcode: 9052

Organizer: VIB

Event types:

  • Workshops and courses

Activity log